August 2, 2022

Ask Mayim Anything #2

It’s an Ask Mayim Anything episode! Mayim and Jonathan do a deep dive breakdown of listener-submitted questions surrounding how and when to discuss your own mental health struggles with our children, differences between feelings of anxiousness and a Generalized Anxiety Disorder diagnosis, and the science behind laughter. They define and suggest ways to remedy our "god-shaped holes," explain the differences between fears and phobias, and consider ways to set and hold boundaries with our loved ones. We’re also joined by a very special guest, Bev Bialik, who discusses her experience with shopping around for a new therapist.

Ask Mayim Anything #2

August 2, 2022

Ask Mayim Anything #2

It’s an Ask Mayim Anything episode! Mayim and Jonathan do a deep dive breakdown of listener-submitted questions surrounding how and when to discuss your own mental health struggles with our children, differences between feelings of anxiousness and a Generalized Anxiety Disorder diagnosis, and the science behind laughter. They define and suggest ways to remedy our "god-shaped holes," explain the differences between fears and phobias, and consider ways to set and hold boundaries with our loved ones. We’re also joined by a very special guest, Bev Bialik, who discusses her experience with shopping around for a new therapist.


Articles Referenced

I Think, Therefore I Am: The Mind Body Problem

The initial separation of mind and body have led to continued public misconceptions....

COVID Consequences Part I: A Look at the Neurological Effects of the Novel Coronavirus

Let’s begin by looking at COVID-19 from a strictly neurological standpoint. It was confirmed very early on that this virus could...

The Nature of Anxiety

Like most things in science, the heritability of something as amorphous as anxiety is quite complex...

The Nurture of Anxiety

The stress response occurs when our body readies itself to handle tough situations. Our brain releases...

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