June 1, 2023

Is There a Science of Belief?

We're recapping the best moments from Mayim's appearance on Rabbi David Kasher's "Best Book Ever" podcast! Mayim and Rabbi Kasher discuss how and why the human brain is wired for belief, how we can function in a world gone mad, and how mystical and spiritual structure help us navigate life. You know, light stuff! They also consider the scientific, physiological basis for emotions and spiritual experiences, why there is room for both science and spirituality to exist, what biological functions allegiance to a higher power serves, why love equates to safety, and the science of prayer.

Is There a Science of Belief?


June 1, 2023

Is There a Science of Belief?

We're recapping the best moments from Mayim's appearance on Rabbi David Kasher's "Best Book Ever" podcast! Mayim and Rabbi Kasher discuss how and why the human brain is wired for belief, how we can function in a world gone mad, and how mystical and spiritual structure help us navigate life. You know, light stuff! They also consider the scientific, physiological basis for emotions and spiritual experiences, why there is room for both science and spirituality to exist, what biological functions allegiance to a higher power serves, why love equates to safety, and the science of prayer.


Articles Referenced

Neurotheology: Unpacking the Religious Mind

For many people, prayer is an incredibly meditative practice. Taking time to focus internalities and...

The Least Understood Organ in the Human Body?

The brain is one of the most fascinating and least understood organs in the human body. Much of what we know about the brain today, comes from...

The Emotional Almond

The amygdala has been found to be intimately connected to our emotional regulation and social behavior. As you can imagine, altered functioning of the amygdala is commonly...

Let’s Get Experimental: Cognitive Dissonance

Human beings hate conflict. Though this statement may seem funny when you look at all of the interpersonal conflicts that...

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