January 23, 2024

Famous Comedian Tom Papa Wants You to Know You’re Doing Great!

Tom Papa (stand-up comedian, author We’re All In This Together.....So Make Some Room) is in the MBB studio to chat about channeling his artist sensitivity into comedy and hilarious emotional processing with his wife before bed that leaves him unable to sleep! He opens up about what it’s like being known as \"the nice guy\" in comedy, how to parent kids who struggle with something you’ve never struggled with, and why he’s never gone to therapy. Tom considers genetic makeup vs modeled affirmations in coping with life’s struggles, the empathy he feels for those struggling with genetic predispositions, and why it became easier to take care of himself after he had kids. He explains how psychedelics gave him new perspective but got in the way of his humor, the effect the \"cathartic experience\" of comedy can have on loneliness, and how allowing yourself to feel emotions can remove fear associated with the situation. Mayim and Jonathan discuss how mantras can rewire your brain and how they’ve evolved personally and together in the 3rd year of the podcast!

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Tom Papa

Comedian, Author

Mayim Bialik


Jonathan Cohen





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Famous Comedian Tom Papa Wants You to Know You’re Doing Great!

Tom Papa (stand-up comedian, author We’re All In This Together.....So Make Some Room) is in the MBB studio to chat about channeling his artist sensitivity into comedy and hilarious emotional processing with his wife before bed that leaves him unable to sleep! He opens up about what it’s like being known as \"the nice guy\" in comedy, how to parent kids who struggle with something you’ve never struggled with, and why he’s never gone to therapy. Tom considers genetic makeup vs modeled affirmations in coping with life’s struggles, the empathy he feels for those struggling with genetic predispositions, and why it became easier to take care of himself after he had kids. He explains how psychedelics gave him new perspective but got in the way of his humor, the effect the \"cathartic experience\" of comedy can have on loneliness, and how allowing yourself to feel emotions can remove fear associated with the situation. Mayim and Jonathan discuss how mantras can rewire your brain and how they’ve evolved personally and together in the 3rd year of the podcast!

Guest References

We're All in This Together ... So Make Some Room

Stand-up is all well and good, but observational humor that’s funny and warm may work best in books. And Tom Papa, whose loyal audiences are packed with “date night” couples of all ages, has perfected the form. In We're All In This Together, Papa’s thirty-seven short essays tackle these universal American topics, among others...

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Comedian and bread baker, Tom Papa, is the perfect host, inviting guests to join him for an hour of eating, drinking and enjoying life. Listeners are invited to take a seat at the table as Tom and his guests celebrate the true meaning of breaking bread with insightful, revealing and always funny conversations.
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You're Doing Great!: And Other Reasons to Stay Alive
"You're Doing Great! is your no-nonsense go-to collection of essays to get you through the increasing noise and chatter of self-doubt and confusion in the new millennium. Tom Papa is a funny, empathetic guide and your new best friend."
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Tom Papa's 'What a Day!' Special
Tom doles out truths about post-marriage intimacy, his problematic pet pug and why men are to blame for most of life's inconveniences.
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