Crying, in the traditional sense, is a uniquely human phenomena. Humans are the only animals to shed tears in...
Mental Health
Mental Health
Born in 1926, Henry Molaison, better known as “HM,” has become one of neurology’s most well-known case studies...
Neuro Science
Neuro Science
Let’s face it, humans and animals share a deep, innate connection. Human interaction with animals affects...
Neuro Science
All of us are very familiar with the 5 traditional senses: touch, taste, hearing, smell, and vision...
Neuro Science
Neuro Science
Now the age old question is: How can I boost my own creativity? Well, there are actually several ways...
Neuro Science
Albert Einstein once said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun,” an astute observation that beautifully captures the complexities of...
Neuro Science
Though we often don’t think about it this way, creating and substantiating lies is one of the most advanced functions that our brains...
Neuro Science
Aphasia is a disorder that occurs after brain damage to speech-related centers of the brain...
Mental Health
Mental Health
Freud revolutionized the psychological field by positing that the memories, emotions, and ideas can exist in our mind without...
Mental Health
Mental Health
Let's dive into Freudian theory in an effort to better understand the good, bad, and ugly behind Sigmund Freud...
Mental Health
Mental Health